
COOMATAVÉN strengthening Matavén governance & food security

We created the COOMATAVÉN Cooperative in 2019 to align and integrate the different organizations and REDD+ Matavén participants, in order to meet Matavén indigenous communities needs and create new & greater commercial opportunities.

On March 26th, we held the third COOMATAVÉN General Assembly in Morichal (Zone 5). The participants received information on the latest Coomatavén activities, and they decided to:

  • Implement Cooperative Stores as a solution to the high cost of individually (per family) buying and transport their goods and supplies.
  • Select 3 Matavén communities to put in place Cooperative Stores, given their strategic location: Morichal (Zone 5), Cumaral and Berlin 1 (Zone 4).
  • Build a “wharehouse/store” in Inírida.
  • Name the Morichal Cooperative Store “I buy” in Piapoco language.
  • Adopt the following quote of the Bolivian indigenous community AHIMARA: “That we all go together, that no one is left behind, that everything is enough for everyone, and that no one lacks anything.”