We celebrated the 7th Cultural Meeting of Indigenous Games in the Laguna Checa community, Bajo Río Vichada Uno sector, in the Resguardo Indígena Unificado de la Selva de Matavén, in Vichada, Colombia. During this event, Matavén indigenous people participated in various traditional activities that celebrate and preserve their rich cultural heritage.
At REDD+ Matavén, we aim to strengthen the governance of the Asociación de Cabildos y Autoridades Tradicionales Indígenas de la Selva de Matavén (ACATISEMA). We support the Association in its mission to promote the integral development of Matavén, protect its land, enhance self-governance, conserve nature and its resources, and preserve the customs and culture of its indigenous peoples. By supporting these cultural gatherings, we promote ancestral traditions and ensure the physical and cultural survival of the Matavén indigenous communities.
These cultural gatherings are a vital platform for reaffirming community identity and cohesion, while also boosting the socio-economic and environmental well-being of the region. At REDD+ Matavén, we are committed to protecting natural resources and promoting Matavén sustainable development.