
EcoTourism Project

We started the EcoTourism Project in July 2021, in 4 Matavén communities: La Urbana (Zone 3), Barranco Colorado (Zone 3), Laguna Negra (Zone 4) and Laguna Cacao (Zone 4). The EcoTourism Project is part of our “Activity 6: Development of Productive Projects” to protect Matavén natural resources, create new economic opportunities for their indigenous peoples, strengthen their local governance, promote unity and teamwork; and thus improve their quality of life.

During Phase I, we held meetings and workshops to present the EcoTourism Project to the communities; and we got their approval to implement the Project in all 4 communities. We created the first Indigenous Community Tourism Council (CITC) with 8 representatives (2 indigenous per community), within the Colombian legal framework (Tourism Law 1558 of 2012). We also visited the communities, we identified their tourist attractions and trails, and we collected information about their indigenous culture.

Afterwards, we conducted two training workshops in the communities: one on the community tourism business model and another on the creation of tourist scripts for the interpretive trails. Members of other communities (San Martín de Toninas, Cumaral, Miralejo and Cochivo) participated and expressed great interest in developing the Ecotourism Project in their communities.

In April 2022, we started Phase II: we began the construction of sustainable infrastructure hand in hand with members of the community, we provided economic assistance (for the workforce, food, and fuel for transportation); tools, supplies and materials to each community.

  • In La Urbana we started building a viewpoint, an elevated walkway (150m), an interpretive trail “El hombre Piaroa”; and we started working on the expansion of 300 meters of the hotel floor..
  • In Barranco Colorado we started building an ecolodge hotel (45m2) with solar power lighting and an elevated walkway (30m) that connects the ecolodge hotel to existing cabins. .
  • In Laguna Cacao we started building an ecolodge hotel (45m2) with solar power lighting. We installed 2 camera traps for the conservation of the tapir. Photo trapping is one of the most efficient and least invasive monitoring strategies for mammals, which allows identifying the presence of animals and their behavioural patterns, very useful for the study and protection of wildlife..
  • In Laguna Negra, some members of the community had doubts and concerns; so, we met several times with them, and, we finally got, once again, their approval to continue the Ecotourism Project. Unfortunately, these additional meetings have delayed Phase 2 in this community..

REDD+ Matavén is an environmental & social project tackling climate change and multi-dimensions of poverty. We stop deforestation, we protect tropical forests in the Indigenous Reservation of the Matavén Forest (Colombia), while safeguarding its biodiversity and improving their indigenous people quality of life.