
Keep moving forward with our School Farm “Kulima Pabi”

We built the “Kulima Pabi” School Farm in Matzuldani, where various Matavén peoples take part: 10 families from Matzuldani, San Rafael, San Roque, Boponé and Siracusa, students from the Villa Luz school (Boponé) and women/mothers of Bienestar Familiar Program.

Last October we saw healthy crops growing (botón de oro, matarratón, acacia, guamo, cedar and yopo) as a result of the biofertilizers and compost we are using. It is important to note that these are savannah soils with high acidity and low organic concentration, which makes it difficult for crops to grow. However, with the technical assistance of the Granja Tarapacá Foundation, we have been working on special adaptations for soil revegetation and generation of nutritional resources for agroecological production.

We also worked with 51 students from 11th grade from Villa Luz school in the preparation of material for planting trees, foliar fertilization, substrate, and cleaning of crops.

“Kulima Pabi” is part of our Activity 6: Development of Productive Projects, where agriculture coexists with the protection of natural resources. We build the School Farms so that Matavén communities bring their ancestral knowledge while learning new sustainable agroecological and silvopastoral practices; and thus improve the crops/conucos productivity, reduce the pressure on the forest, generate new business opportunities, to protect Matavén natural resources and guarantee the food security of its indigenous peoples.