Food Security


Through this Key Activity, we aim to boost staple food production and promote sustainable agricultural practices to ensure long-term food security for the Matavén Indigenous communities, while effectively reducing deforestation rates and safeguarding natural resources. Its successful implementation has led to significant results and benefits, including:

REDD+ Matavén

Boosting staple food production and promoting sustainable agricultural practices


Monthly bonuses are provided to Indigenous Captains (in 2024 there are 336 captains) to recognize their efforts in community leadership, promoting traditional agricultural practices, education, and sustainable land use.

Implementation of Food
Security Projects

Over the lifecycle of the Project, we have developed more than 260 small and medium-sized food security projects – including:


We’ve initiated agriculture projects focused on crops like sweet and bitter cassava, plantains, sugar cane, maize, yam, cashew, cilantro, rice, passion fruit, oranges, lemons, pineapples, and guavas. To support these efforts, we provide seeds, lime, fertilizers, pesticides, and essential tools such as machetes, shovels, wheel barrows,and sharpening files. We also fund labor for land preparation, weeding, crop management, and road maintenance, ensuring smooth project implementation. Additionally, we manage agreements for technical assistance and training to help communities adopt best practices in agriculture.

Did you know?

To complement this key activity, we have been simultaneously leading four large-scale productive projects over the past four years, along with the Indigenous Cooperative COOMATAVÉN.

Join Us in Protecting Forests, Biodiversity, and Water While Empowering Indigenous Communities