
Discovering the hidden riches of the Matavén Forest: a treasure of biodiversity

In a little-explored area of Colombia lies the Matavén Forest, a natural gem and an ecosystem that harbors unique biological diversity. Thanks to the REDD+ Matavén Project, we have been uncovering this hidden wealth.

The REDD+ Matavén Project focuses on conserving the forests, soils, waters, biodiversity, and local communities within the Resguardo Indígena Unificado de la Selva Matavén. This territory, located in the last remaining transition zone between the Orinoquia and the Colombian Amazon, is of extraordinary biogeographical importance.

As part of our conservation work, we strive to understand the health and resilience of the area’s ecosystems by conducting regular monitoring of its flora and fauna. The inventories we generated in 2022 provided an unprecedented view of the Matavén Forest’s biodiversity. Specialists in botany, ornithology, ichthyology, and mammalogy joined this mission to characterize the life in this magical place.

Forest findings: unmatched diversity 

The study, led by botanical biologist Mireya Patricia Córdoba and the indigenous and multi-ethnic field team of the REDD+ Matavén Project, has been revealing. Through meticulous fieldwork, 140 species were identified across 103 genera and 36 families, reflecting the unique richness of the Matavén Forest. This inventory is notable not only for its number but also for the discovery of species in critical and vulnerable conservation states, highlighting the urgency of our conservation goals.

Moreover, this study enhances our understanding of the diversity and structure of this transition zone, emphasizing the need for more detailed sampling to protect this vital ecosystem. It also enriches our knowledge of the region’s and the country’s biodiversity and underscores the necessity of continuing conservation efforts in the Matavén Forest.

Download the full report here to explore the details and findings of this study.