What is a Registry?

A registry is a public platform that tracks the life cycle of environmental projects like ours. It ensures that projects meet international standards by auditing, validating, and verifying them before issuing carbon credits. Each project receives a unique ID, allowing stake holders to view detailed information and trace the issuance, transfer, and retirement of carbon credits. This system guarantees transparency and prevents double-counting, ensuring that carbon credits are legitimate and represent real, verified emission reductions.

The Registry provides access to important documents, including independent audit reports, validation and verification records, ensuring that all claims about emission reductions are backed by rigorous and transparent processes.

REDD+ Matavén

REDD+ Matavén is listed on the Verra Registry, one of the largest and most trusted platforms in the world for tracking environmental projects and carbon credits.

REDD+ Matavén on the Verra Registry

The Project is officially listed under VCS ID: 1566 on the Verra Registry. By being on this globally recognized platform, we ensure that our carbon credits are credible, verified, and available for real-time tracking; ensuring ongoing accountability

REDD+ Matavén

Why This Matters

Through the Verra Registry, REDD+ Matavén ensures full transparency and accountability, giving stakeholders confidence that their contributions support real environmental and social actions.