
ACATISEMA’s Annual Meeting: Empowering Indigenous Voices

On February 8th and 9th, 2024, the annual meeting of the Board of Councils and the Coordinating Committee of the Association of Councils and Traditional Indigenous Authorities of the Matavén Forest (ACATISEMA) took place in Bogotá, Colombia. This event is crucial for Matavén indigenous communities and the Matavén REDD+ Project. Eighty participants attended, including ACATISEMA members such as the Councils, the Executive Board, the Coordinating Committee, and various officials. The Zonal Coordinators of the Matavén REDD+ Project, the technical and administrative team from Mediamos, the mayor of Cumaribo, and a Vichada department representative were also in attendance.

Beginning with a cultural harmonization ceremony, the event moved on to present the achievements of the Matavén REDD+ Project throughout 2023; highlighting the efforts dedicated in conserving natural resources and valuing the ecosystem services of the forests. The indigenous authorities unanimously approved the budget for 2024, emphasizing the importance of community participation, gender equity, youth inclusion, and the development of technical skills.

These gatherings are vital for ensuring the Project’s transparency, fostering a sense of belonging within indigenous communities, and strengthening ACATISEMA’s governance.

About ACATISEMA: Officially recognized by the Colombian government, the Association of Councils and Traditional Indigenous Authorities of the Matavén Forest leads the political, economic, and sociocultural processes of Matavén. It is dedicated to preserving the way of life of its indigenous peoples and safeguarding their natural resources. ACATISEMA is a co-developer of the Matavén REDD+ Project.