
First Cacao Summit of REDD+ Matavén Project

On August 19th and 20th, we organized the inaugural ‘Matavén Cacao Summit’ with the theme ‘Agriculture for a Sustainable Future’ in the community of Morocoto.

Over 120 participants graced the event, including several beneficiaries actively engaged in the Cacao and Plantain Agroforestry Productive Project.

Throughout these days, attendees actively engaged in discussions centered around food security and the principles of a solidarity-based economy. The paramount message was the value of collaborative efforts and unity under the UNUMA banner. Collectively, they reiterated their dedication to the following ethos: ‘Abandoning the use of harmful pesticides and chemical inputs, promoting regenerative agricultural practices to conserve and safeguard their rainforest, preserving ancestral knowledge, optimizing conuco management, and preparing to face the challenges of climate change.’

Attendees also enjoyed an exhibition showcasing innovative cacao and manioc products, and crafts created by the communities of San Luis de la Rompida, Cumaral, Morocoto, and Morichal.

Through this event, we continue nurturing leadership, bolstering autonomy, and ensuring food security for Matavén communities. Together, we are building a resilient present and a sustainable future in Matavén!