
Results 2021 – Special Programs

During 2021, we continued to successfully perform our 6 Special Programs, attending the specific needs of Matavén indigenous communities, in order to improve their quality of life.

1. Health & Healthcare Program
  • We created the first Primary Healthcare Provider: IPS Matavén.
  • We built a new healthcare center.
  • We provided financial assistance for transportation, lodging, food, treatments, and medications for Matavén patients.
  • We provided financial assistance for indigenous traditional healers/doctors and microscopists.
2. Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Program
  • We built 2 solar powered deep wells for water and wastewater treatment.
  • We provided funding for the maintenance of 3 deep wells.
  • We provided tools for water purification.
3. Housing & Moriche Palm Protection Program
  • We remodeled 7 houses.
  • We provided housing materials & tools: 10,047 zinc roofing sheets, 65 cement bags (50kg each), 134 shovels, 27 wheelbarrows, 40 hoes, 39 axes, 49 handsaws, 48 rakes, 14 hammers, 20 hoe handles, 20 safety gloves, 6 machetes, 10 paladragas, staples, nails, 6 tanks of 1000 L, among others.
  • We provided tools and certified electrical assistance for the installation of 47 solar energy kits, and 12 solar panels.
  • We provided lighting tools: 20 solar panels, 30 light bulbs, 30 batteries, 33 inverters, 16 regulators, 5 power plants, 4 motorized pumps, 1 electric pump and cables.
4. Special Population Program (Elderly & single mothers)
  • We built/remodeled houses for single mothers, widowed mothers and the elderly.
  • We provided personal hygiene and meal kits for the elderly.
  • We provided 109 meal kits for female-headed households.
  • We provided financial assistance for female-headed households and people with disabilities.
5. Environmental Indigenous Thought Centers of the Matavén Jungle We provided funding for the maintenance of these community centers that are spaces for cultural survival and indigenous unity.

6. Emergency Assistance Program: we provided assistance for funeral expenses.

REDD+ Matavén is an environmental & social project tackling climate change and multi-dimensions of poverty. We stop deforestation, we protect tropical forests in the Indigenous Reservation of the Matavén Forest (Vichada, Colombia), while safeguarding its biodiversity and improving their indigenous people quality of life.