
REDD+ Matavén Newsletter 2023: informing and empowering indigenous communities

We’ve completed the design of the REDD+ Matavén Newsletter 2023. The newsletter is a key tool for keeping the indigenous communities of the Resguardo Selva Matavén informed and connected. In this fourth edition, we cover important topics such as climate change, deforestation, fire prevention, and the role of indigenous women. We also share the Project’s annual results, activities, and programs. Our goal is to engage and motivate communities to actively participate in our initiatives.

The newsletter will also play a crucial role in the upcoming workshops for the Indigenous Guard and Captains, serving as supporting material to train participants on these important topics. Each Guard and Captain will receive copies to distribute within their communities, ensuring the information reaches as many people in Matavén as possible.

Together, we continue building a sustainable and participatory future in Matavén!