REDD+ Matavén

Matavén's Journey:
From Vulnerability to Empowerment with REDD+

REDD+ Matavén

Before the REDD+ Matavén Project, Indigenous communities in the Resguardo Selva Matavén faced overwhelming challenges. Lacking essential resources like education, infrastructure, and healthcare, they struggled to defend their forests from deforestation threats such as mining, hydrocarbon extraction, livestock expansion, and illegal activities. Their lands and cultural heritage were under constant threat, vulnerable to external pressuresthat degraded their environment and way of life. Their lands and cultural heritage were under constant threat, vulnerable to external pressures that degraded their environment and way of life.

Located at the transition zone between the Orinoquía savannas and the Amazon rain forest in Colombia, Matavén is a critical area for conservation but also vulnerable to environmental pressures. Recognizing the urgent need for change, the communities, through ACATISEMA, allied with MEDIAMOS F&M in2012 to launch the REDD+ Matavén Project. This strategic alliance provided the resources needed to protect the forests, biodiversity and waters while promoting sustainable development and safe guarding the cultural and social survival of the Indigenous peoples.

On January 1st, 2013, the REDD+ Matavén Project officially began, marking the start of a transformative journey for the Indigenous communities

We stop

We safeguard

We protect

We improve the quality of life for
indigenous peoples

Empowerment Through Community Leadership

What sets REDD+ Matavén apart is that approximately 90% of the income generated by the project is reinvested directly into the Resguardo, managed by the Indigenous authorities of ACATISEMA. This ensures that the community’s priorities are at the forefront, allowing them to make decisions about resource allocation and the execution of activities and programs.

We operate within national and international legal frameworks, adhering to the Cancun Safeguards and following the Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) principles outlined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). We respect and promote Indigenous peoples’ rights, including their autonomy, cultural integrity, and governance

A Holistic
Approach to

The project goes beyond protecting the forest. REDD+ Matavén takes a holistic approach to sustainability, focusing on education, gender equality, and the alignment of modern conservation practices with ancestral knowledge. Our aim is to foster lasting change that promotes sustainable practices and forest conservation while improving the quality of life of indigenous peoples.

With 8 Key Activities and 6 Special Programs, the project is designed to meet the objective of halting deforestation and ensuring a sustainable future for Matavén’s forests, biodiversity and communities

Global Leadership and Certification

REDD+ Matavén

As one of the pioneers in developing REDD+ projects, we are proud to be certified under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Climate, Community & Biodiversity (CCB) for 30 years (2013 – 2042). These certifications validate our commitment to providing real, measurable environmental and social benefits, ensuring that our carbon credits meet the highest international standards.

Today, REDD+ Matavén stands as a global model for Indigenous-led climate action, demonstrating how traditional knowledge and modern conservation can work together to stop deforestation, tackle climate change, and promote sustainable development

Join Us in Protecting Forests, Biodiversity, and Water While Empowering Indigenous Communities