
Results 2021 – Activity 5

During 2021, we continued to successfully perform our “Activity 5: Training and education programs for Matavén indigenous communities” by providing economic assistance, tools and improving learning conditions to increase their skills to manage and participate in the protection of their natural resources.

  • We built a dormitory in Bakatsolowa school and provided 5 laptops.
  • We remodeled the Kadanapai school.
  • We provided 120 monetary aids within the “Program for higher education students” for tuition, fees, housing, food, transportation, stationery and/or equipment.
  • We supported the organization (logistics, transportation, food, lodging, stationery, etc.) and execution of more than 100 meetings, trainings and/or workshops.
  • We designed and conducted training & workshop sessions for 312 Matavén indigenous guards.
  • We built/remodeled 23 community centers.

REDD+ Matavén is an environmental & social project tackling climate change and multi-dimensions of poverty. We stop deforestation, we protect tropical forests in the Indigenous Reservation of the Matavén Forest (Vichada, Colombia), while safeguarding its biodiversity and improving their indigenous people quality of life.