
Making progress with our School Farms

Together with the technical team of Fundación Granja Tarapacá, we did two (2) field visits in our School Farm Productive Projects in Aiwakuna Tsepajibo sector and Bajo Río Vichada 1 sector.

In both locations we met with the Project participants, we solved their doubts, and we reminded all parties’ commitments. Also, Tarapacá introduced a new member of the team: a zootechnician based in Cumaribo, which is a strategic location to promptly attend the needs of the different School Farms of the Project.

School Farm “Kulima Pabi”

We visited “Kulima Pabi” School Farm (7th visit) in Aiwakuna Tsepajibo sector, in the communities of Matsuldani, Boponé, San Marcos, San Roque and Siracusa. We checked on the progress of the farm, we verified the status of the products planted in the previous visit, we isolated the plantain hills with a fence to protect them from animals, and we planted trees of cedar, cashew, buttercup and pigeon peas, all produced in the farm’s nursery.

School Farm “Banakale Pabi”

We visited “Banakale Pabi” School Farm (2nd visit) in Bajo Río Vichada 1 sector, in the communities of Siwo Tsenebo, Trinidad, Nazareth, Naranjito, Siwo Rincón and Merey Danubio. Indigenous communities selected the families and people committed to work on the farm (42 indigenous), chose the local indigenous coordinator of the Project and named their school farm: “Banakale Pabi” which means “harvest for the family”. Together, we marked the points and coordinates, and measured the polygon of the land (6,552 m²) for the activities of the farm.

School Farms are Productive Projects where agriculture coexists with the protection of natural resources. Indigenous communities bring in their ancestral knowledge and learn new agroecological and silvopastoral practices. So that, we improve their crops/conucos productivity through sustainable agricultural practices, we reduce the pressure on the forest, we guarantee their food security, we create new economic opportunities for them; and as a result, we protect Matavén natural resources and improve the quality of life of its indigenous peoples.