We got the first tractor to support the agricultural work of the Kulima Pabi Agrosilvopastoral Farm, in the Matavén communities of Boponé, Matzuldani, San Roque and Siracusa, Zone 1. The participants of this Productive Project received training and technical assistance.
Kulima Pabi has five (5) hectares, of which four (4) are for silvopastoral use (trees, pastures, and cattle) and one (1) is destined for stables for chickens, pigs, a cow barn, a bio-preparation laboratory, and a nursery for fodder trees (food for animals).
The tractor is a tool for plowing small areas, transporting loads, among other farm work. Traditionally, indigenous peoples work their crops manually: with a machete, a hoe to dig and a shovel; so, the tractor allows them to speed up and ease their work.
Kulima Pabi is part of our Activity 6, with the Agrosilvopastoral Farm Productive Project, also called “The new conuco”, where we seek to create a space where agriculture coexists with the protection of natural resources; a space where indigenous communities learn sustainable agricultural and silvopastoral practices, merge new technologies with their ancestral knowledge, to guarantee their food security and protect their natural resources.