
2021 Results: Activity 1

During 2021, we continue protecting Matavén territory and its natural resources through “REDD+ MATAVÉN ACTIVITY 1: SURVEILLANCE AND CONTROL OF THE TERRITORY” – which is a fundamental axis of the Project, as it roots Matavén sustainable management practices by stopping deforestation and degradation of its forests.

  • We supported 312 indigenous guards in their role as environmental protection agents through monthly monetary assistance, uniforms, tools (maps, templates, etc.), food, transportation, among others.
  • We conducted Training & Workshop sessions for 312 indigenous guards.
  • We used and studied satellite images to monitor the territory.
  • We constantly reviewed IDEAM and Corporinoquia early warnings to prevent forest fires.

Matavén Indigenous Guard is the organization in charge of the surveillance and control of the territory; it is responsible for the protection, conservation, and preservation of Matavén forests, waters, and biodiversity. It is formed by members of Matavén indigenous communities who wish to provide an environmental and social service to their community and the Reservation. Guards are chosen by their communities, and they must meet the requirements set forth in the Internal Bylaws of the Indigenous Guard.

REDD+ Matavén is an environmental & social project tackling climate change and multi-dimensions of poverty.  We stop deforestation, we protect tropical forests in the Indigenous Reservation of the Matavén Forest (Colombia), while safeguarding its biodiversity and improving their indigenous people quality of life.