During 2021, we continued to successfully perform our “Activity 3: ACATISEMA governance strengthening”; by providing educational, technical, economic, logistics and other resources to support the Association of Councils and Traditional Indigenous Authorities of the Matavén Forest (ACATISEMA) strengthening its leadership and autonomy to guarantee the survival of its indigenous peoples and the protection of their natural resources.
***ACATISEMA is an indigenous association legally recognized by the Colombian government since 2002, representing & leading Matavén political, economic, and socio-cultural processes. ACATISEMA is one of the Project Developers.
- We supported the organization (logistics, transportation, food, lodging, stationery, etc.) and execution of more than 100 meetings and workshops (Board of Councils, Coordinating Committee, Joint Commission, election of Councils, life plans, statutory reform, planning of activities and solution of internal and territorial issues, training of Traditional Authorities, indigenous leaders and indigenous women, etc.).
- We provided monetary aids (for transportation, food, lodging, etc.) to Matavén indigenous peoples and leaders for their participation in different activities such as monitoring/touring of Matavén communities & events (X National Congress of Indigenous Peoples of the ONIC, Corferias, etc.).
- We supported the organization and execution of 73 cultural and/or sports events.
- We paid payroll and social security (interest, severance pay, premiums) of ACATISEMA administrative and operational staff (94 people, including: general coordinator, general secretary, finance coordinator, 17 councils, 14 committee coordinators, legal advisor, indigenous advisor, accountant, treasurer, engineers, agricultural technicians, administrative support staff, secretaries, assistants, systems technician, interns, etc.).
- We paid for maintenance (utilities, cleaning, cafeteria), tools (stationery, software licenses,) and surveillance of ACATISEMA offices (Cumaribo and Inírida).
- We built/improved 23 Matavén community centers.
- We provided equipment for Matavén community centers: 14 laptops, 2 printers, 1 television.
- We provided sports items for Matavén indigenous youth: 198 sports uniforms, 6 pairs of soccer shoes, 2 professional soccer balls, 3 whistles.
- We provided musical instruments for Matavén community centers: 16 microphones, 15 sound booths, 9 professional amplifiers, 7 guitars, 5 professional keyboards, 3 drums, 2 electric basses, 4 digital pianos and cables.
REDD+ Matavén is an environmental & social project tackling climate change and multi-dimensions of poverty. We stop deforestation, we protect tropical forests in the Indigenous Reservation of the Matavén Forest (Vichada, Colombia), while safeguarding its biodiversity and improving their indigenous people quality of life.