We are developing the COOMATAVÉN Cooperative – in alliance with Latorre PN – in 10 Matavén indigenous communities. The objective of COOMATAVÉN is to integrate and strategically align the different actors and organizations that play a role in the Indigenous Reservation of the Matavén Forest; and the participants of the Productive Projects of REDD+ Matavén; in order to create new economic/commercial opportunities and improve the quality of life of Matavén indigenous peoples.
COOMATAVÉN was established in 2019 and today it has 67 members. We held the General Assembly, we updated the statutes in the Chamber of Commerce of Villavicencio and we legalized them in the DIAN (Colombia Tax and Customs National Authority). We have trained the Board of Directors and the Surveillance Board in cooperatives, administration, planning, organization, management and control. And we are currently designing and implementing local economic circuits (cooperative stores) to meet the needs of the communities and market the surplus production and handicrafts outside Matavén.